
Nieuwsbericht Bouwen met Kwaliteit juli 2022

Deze editie een nieuwsbericht  over een event : The Future of Living in Europe, from the Mountains to the Low Lands: Swiss – Dutch Dialogue on Sustainable Housing  op 6 July 2022, Floriade in Almere

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Floriade dialoog CH-NL 6 juli 2022

Op 6 juli organiseert de Zwitserse ambassade ism het ministerie van BZK een dialoog over het wederzijdse beleid op het gebied van volkshuisvesting en ruimtelijke ordening. Hoe zien onze steden er halverwege de 21e eeuw uit, na de grote verbouwing om ze klaar te maken voor klimaatverandering, vergrijzing en verduurzaming van de gebouwde omgeving? Verschillende experts uit beide landen, zoals Onno Dwars, Bjarne Mastenbroek en Martin van Rijn gaan met elkaar en met het publiek in gesprek op de Floriade in Almere. Wil je meedoen? Meld je aan via bijgaande link: LinkedIn event

Beeld: ©bzk

Floriade dialoog - Context

In both the Netherlands and Switzerland, roughly three quarters of the population live in urban areas. Cities face similar challenges to renew and renovate the existing housing stock to deal with climate change, densification and growth in already built-up areas, and, last but not least, to tackle the affordability of housing, also against the background of significant price increases. In the Netherlands, addressing the substantial housing shortage is a key priority for the Government. In Switzerland, while vacancy rates fell in 2021 for the first time in 12 years, demand for housing exceeds supply particularly in urban areas. Besides these similarities, there naturally are also differences, such as the difference in geographical location, from a country in the Alps to a country that lies for a large part below sea level. Switzerland also differ with regard to governance, from a federal state of cantons to an EU member state. Where the challenges are similar and the starting points differ, there are opportunities to share ideas and learn from each other.

Where better to do this than at the 7th International Horticultural Exhibition Floriade? This Expo is organized every ten years. In 2022, its theme is "Growing green cities". The aim is to show how cities can be made greener, more livable and more sustainable. Examples from countries all over the world are exhibited to show solutions that make our cities more fun, more beautiful and more sustainable.

Floriade dialoog - 2. Objectives

Against this background, the Embassy of Switzerland in the Netherlands in partnership with the Netherlands’ Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations organizes a Swiss-Dutch Dialogue on Sustainable Housing on 6 July 2022 at the Floriade in Almere near Amsterdam.

The aim is to promote the exchange among policymakers, practitioners, investors and experts on housing policy and urban development approaches and instruments in the Netherlands and Switzerland. Good examples shall provide food for thought, with a focus on sustainable, i.e. climate-friendly, and affordable housing. The Dialogue aims at bringing actors – practitioners, policy-makers and experts – from both countries into conversation with each other.

Program -Wednesday, 6 July, at the Floriade in “The Shelter”







Welcome and Introduction

Ambassador Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn


Introduction: Housing policy challenges - two perspectives

  • Housing Policy in the Netherlands – an Overview,

Robert Dijksterhuis, Special Envoy on Sustainable Building of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

  • Housing Policy in Switzerland – an Overview,

Martin Tschirren, Director Federal Office of Housing


Panel 1:

Role of the public sector - what can cities do?

  • Cities Lead the Way to a Climate Neutral Environment, Mayor of one of the Dutch “100 climate neutral cities” (tbc)
  • The Mix Makes the Difference: Instruments for a Successful Housing Policy on the Local Level,


Annemarie Berlinger, Mayor of Köniz


Standing Lunch

Buffet (Sandwiches, Salads, Soup)


Panel 2:

How to make the building stock climate compatible?

  • Carbon-Zero Strategies for Existing Neighbourhoods, Daniel Kellenberger, Prof. for Sustainable Construction, Head of Team Climate Protection and Energy Management at Intep–Integrated Planning in Zurich
  • Bjarne Mastenbroek, architect and co-founder of SeARCH



Short break


Panel 3A:

What does it take to get to affordable housing?

  • What does it take to get to affordable (and sustainable) housing?

Cornel Widmer, Head of Group Real Estate, Investment Management Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

The view of the private sector.

  • Onno Dwars, CEO Ballast Nedam Development


Panel 3B:

What does it take to get to affordable housing?

  • More than affordable housing: Cooperative housing in Switzerland,

Nathanea Elte, President Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich (ABZ, General Building Cooperative Zürich), President Solinvest, Member of the Board of Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz (WBG-Schweiz, Association of non-profit housing cooperatives)

  • More than affordable housing: Cooperative housing in the Netherlands,

Martin van Rijn, chairman of Aedes (association of NL social housing corporations)

The perspective of cooperative housing.



Concluding Remarks

Robert Dijksterhuis, Special Envoy on Sustainable Building Martin Tschirren, Director of the Federal Office of Housing

From 16h00

Tour of the Floriade: guided or individually

Deze nieuwsbrief wordt uitgebracht door de directie Bouwen en Energie en informeert over de beleidsontwikkelingen op het gebied van aardgasvrije wijken, energietransitie in de gebouwde omgeving, circulaire bouw en bouwkwaliteit. De directie Bouwen en Energie draagt bij aan een goede kwaliteit van de gebouwde omgeving op de aspecten duurzaamheid, energiezuinigheid, veiligheid, gezondheid, bruikbaarheid en toegankelijkheid.